Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why Having a Large Vocabulary Is Good Essay Example
Why Having a Large Vocabulary Is Good Paper Your vocabulary tells the rest of the world a lot about you. It shows a personââ¬â¢s background, upbringing, education, and even his or her inclinations. A large vocabulary shows not only your aptitude for language, but also shows a good, solid background in reading. We tend to generalize people with wide vocabularies to be smart, highly-educated, and well-read. By this perception alone, it is no wonder that many people aspire to inject big words and elaborate phrases into their speech, just to show people how well-read they are. Of course, this is not to say that people who amass a wide vocabulary do it simply for the superficial reason of showing off. But we cannot deny that people who endeavor to develop an elegant way of speaking by the use of a wide vocabulary tend to impress their listeners and audience. Someone with a wide vocabulary shows us that the person is proficient with words. It aids greatly not only in providing a positive and learned impression of the speaker, but allows the speaker to communicate his or her ideas more effectively. When you have a large pool of words to choose from, it easier to select a word which best fits a particular situation or is most applicable for a certain audience. The speaker can adjust his or her words to suit the ambiance, since a wide vocabulary always provides for an alternative on what word we wish to use to express our thoughts and feelings. A wide vocabulary is a powerful tool. It allows the possessor thereof to influence its audience, such as the case of a charismatic speaker, in any lecture, audience, session, or conversation. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Having a Large Vocabulary Is Good specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why Having a Large Vocabulary Is Good specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why Having a Large Vocabulary Is Good specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Someone who is a connoisseur of words will be able to give a more effective talk or presentation in front of any association. A large vocabulary is essential not only for a public speaker, but for a writer, since it allows them to put down what they want to say in many different ways, with less tendency for dispute as to their meaning and interpretation. It allows the speaker to offer sympathy or to denounce a topic or person in a tactful way, especially if the listener is not familiar with the words used. Having a wide vocabulary may have negative effects on a person as well, such as when the possessor thereof tends to be arrogant and judgmental of people who do not possess the same vast vocabulary. It can give one the feeling of superiority and of being better educated or smarter than other people, and as a result they tend to alienate people whose vocabulary do not match theirs. What people with a wide vocabulary should take not is that not everyone is as fortunate to have been exposed to such literature and education, and that a lack of a wide vocabulary does not necessarily indicate illiteracy, but rather a lack of opportunity. People with a large vocabulary comprise a privileged set ââ¬â those who have had the opportunity to read or study extensively ââ¬â and should not make excessive use of this gift to segregate other people who have not been as lucky. Instead, they should use their vocabulary to entice people to the world of reading and learning, and should be generous about sharing the benefits of having a large vocabulary. They must not hesitate to share what they know, and must use their large vocabulary as a tool not only in expressing themselves but in helping others to express themselves as well.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Benetton group
The Benetton group Founded in 1965, the Benetton Group started with limited resources that necessitated the strategy that ultimately resulted in rapid international growth. Since the beginning, Benetton concentrated on devoting its skills to the design and manufacture of quality clothing instead of providing direct consumer retailing. Benetton established a competitive advantage by establishing its brand as the best-known Italian apparel manufacturer, concentrating mainly on fashion-conscious young consumers from their mid teens through mid thirties.Since almost 85% of its production is subcontracted to approximately 500 contractors both in Italy and abroad, and most retail stores are independently owned, Benetton does not have direct managerial control over production and sales operations. Additionally, Benetton's in-house operations and manufacturing partners are largely centralized in Italy (as much as 82% of core manufactured products were produced in Italy), making them susceptible to exchange rat e fluctuations.On the retail side, Benetton utilizes contracted agents working on commission to establish and support retail outlets.BenettonThe entrepreneurial agency system helped Benetton to rapidly expand their retail network, and thus, push more Benetton products. However, the agency system does not provide the operational support to retail stores found in centrally controlled retail competitors, like The Gap, and cannot enforce any commonality in layout, stocking, or dÃÆ'Ã ©cor from store to store. Additionally, the compensation structure for agents only encourages sales. There is little direct incentive to share best practices with other agents in different territories, to share business intelligence with Benetton, or to devote resources to helping build the Benetton brands. In other words, the agency system encourages the 'free-rider' effect.It is recommended that Benetton alter its strategy in four steps to defend its core markets, and to prepare itself for future global expansion into new markets. In other words, Benetton needs to achieve globalization for its long-term growth, and...
Friday, November 22, 2019
3 Simple Ways You Can Be More Positive at Work
3 Simple Ways You Can Be More Positive at Work To be perfectly honest, I find working closely with groups of people somewhat stressful. I notice plenty of details and lots of them are irritating. You may work with griping colleagues, grouchy colleagues, hypercritical colleagues, or just complaining ones.How can you channel that nitpicky attitude into something that benefits the whole team? And how can you make sure youââ¬â¢re not a drain on the office yourself? Eve Ash, over at, has some helpful tips for you and your team.1. Make Negativity More ProductivePut that judginess to work! Your detail-oriented approach will help you identify errors or inconsistencies and address them before they hurt your companyââ¬â¢s profile. Use your always see the problems skills to be your teams editor or worst-case-scenario planner. If youre going to find fault in things, you might as well fix them!The challenge is making sure your diplomacy skills are also well-developed, too- Mary Poppins was on to something with her spoon ful of sugar idea.2. Work On YourselfWhether you work with colleaguesà who are negative or find yourself bogged down in self-critical or irritable thoughts, look for ways to turn your attitude around. Try to appreciate the passion behindà a cub-mates inquiry or the opportunity to have them vet your work before a higher-up or a client sees it. Lower your defenses to hear their corrections as a sign of their investment in your shared work, not a criticism of you!3. Encourage Others When You CanIf youââ¬â¢re receiving feedback that feels relentlessly negative or you find yourself caught up givingà harsh critiques without softening them with some more complementary responses, make an effort to accompany every criticism with a constructive suggestion (and to ask that your colleagues provide the same). Make sure you acknowledge a job well done, even if it involves correction of your own work or what feels like a challenge to your authority!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The hungry ocean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The hungry ocean - Essay Example nagement of the crew, interaction with a tough and a hard businessman boss, acute competition from other boats engaged in similar operations and interpersonal problems of having to remain away from the family for long durations, and achieves sterling success in all the areas. By her own admission gender has never been a problematic issue in her, illustrious and legendary career on the high seas. An interesting part of the conversation is highlighted at the concluding pages of the book and Linda Greenlaw writes, ââ¬Å"What more do you want? You make a good living doing what you love. Thatââ¬â¢s more than most people have.â⬠(256) The story of her becoming the commander of the one-hundred-foot-long sword fishing boat, named Hannah Boden is amazing. She has a wonderful childhood and her enlightened parents are pleased to give her the liberty to choose the career of her choice. Little do they realize that she will opt for the career of a fisherman. She goes to become the legend. The life of a fisherman is tougher and the mood of the ocean is unpredictable. This is not the profession where one is engaged in the table work from 10 a.m. to 5p.m.The duration of a sword fishing trip to the Grand Banks of Newfoundland will last for a month or more. According to her, the actual job of fishing is a thrill but ââ¬Å"the greatest challenges any captain faces are often keeping th e crew focused, making sure the vessel remains mechanically sound, and returning safely to port." (p. xi) She becomes an author due to fortuitous circumstances and she writes, ââ¬Å"I wonder daily of the opportunity to write this book has been a blessing or a curse. Writing has proven to be hard work, often painful. I can honestly say that I would rather be fishing.â⬠(Preface) Destiny wills it thus and events in her childhood do much to support her decision to go to sea. Her family lives on an island on the cost of Maine and it is but natural that she sees high prospectus for her life and career amidst the waves
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Structures Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Structures - Coursework Example General corporations exhibit unlimited life. They continue to exist upon the death of the shareholders. It is easier to transfer the ownership of a general corporation. Such transfer take place through sale of stock and does not affect the management of the business. As a business structure, general corporations have limitations. Relative to sole proprietorship, general corporations are expensive to start due to the large capital base required. The formation of general corporations entails more legal formality. They are also subject to many federal and state rules and regulations during their operations. Formation of S Corporation businesses depend on the decision of the owners to avoid income tax while at the same time keep enjoying the advantages associated with limited liability of corporations. In terms of advantages, the S corporations exhibit the same benefits as the general corporations. Distinction between the advantages of the two businesses structures sets in when it comes to tax issue (Jamison, 2009). S corporations enjoy exemption from double taxation that is mandatory for the general corporations. S Corporations escape from double taxation because reporting of incomes occurs once during the filing of personal tax returns of the shareholders. The liability of shareholders in S Corporation is limited. The major disadvantage of this type of business structure is the dominance in decision-making by the majority shareholder. At times, .the decision made may not be to the best interest of other shareholders. The shareholders in the S corporation must come from the United Stat es. Aliens do not have the right to run the business type. During formation of this business structure, certificate of incorporation is a requirement. A limited liability company combines limited liability features of corporations and limited taxation of sole proprietorship.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Developed countries Essay Example for Free
Developed countries Essay One of their impositions is the much-touted phenomenon of globalization. This is literally being stuffed down the third world throat which is already over-choked with Western sleaze. Everybody knows that it is a Western ploy for self-promotion, yet the brazen attitude of the West to package it as an exclusive blessing for the teeming millions of the developing world is strange. There was a time when people disguised even a blessing which in fact need no disguise; they have at least some spot of decency in them. But now even a curse is being strutted as a virtue. But the facts call out different shots. The whole plan is a Western conspiracy against the developing world and might prove the last nail in its coffin. Jan Nederveen Pieterse (2004) is of the view that ââ¬Å"While global economic integration has grown over the past decades, global inequality has increased. In a clear rupture with the pattern over previous decades, global inequality has increased sharply since the 1980s. â⬠There is now little doubt that globalization of the world is inevitable. Because of the magical innovations set in by technology distances are dissolving like aspirin in a bowl of water, communication is becoming instant as the blink of human eye and decisions are being taken in split seconds across the globe. In general term, it is this shrinking of time and space that can be defined as globalization. Sooner or later, the globe must be a teeny-weeny easily accessible place. More suspect is the haste with which globalization is being bulldozed into the third world. It took the Europeans more than half a century to arrive at a reasonable consensus for creating a European Union and yet they allow only a handful of nations to join it. The economically stable European countries do not allow the cash-strapped countries to join them unless and until they upscale their living standards. This requirement is meant to ensure that when the barriers of immigration, trade, capital flow out and other stumbling blocks are lifted, there are no mass confusions which might threaten established society and living standards of the rich nations. If they are cautious about a developed area like Europe, how come they are not worried about what will happen when barriers are dismantled between bizarre countries like Somalia and centers of serenity like Australia? The rich countries are not worried because their brand of globalization is a dystopia unlike the European Union. The only barriers they wish to snap through the World Trade Organization are those which have been raised by the third world for the cushioning of their industry and trade from the more advanced and developed countries. There is not even a small reference to the barriers erected by rich countries to pre-empt migration. On the contrary stringent laws are being imposed to ensure that the cozy life style of their societies is not disrupted by immigrants from the ââ¬Ëcash-clippedââ¬â¢ countries. The West is obviously very selective and its veneer of egalitarianism is only a smoke screen to hide its more sinister intentions. For example, it will never capitulate to the demolition of certain barriers, ââ¬Å"even though hell should bar the wayâ⬠. These are the barriers for the transfer of technology, easy access to capital, equal opportunity, partnerships and a host of other barriers whose retention gives the West an edge over the East. It is no denying the fact that globalization is very helpful for the developed countries. It will definitely reduced the status of poor countries to that of suppliers of raw materials while the developed countries will chuckle at them and will use this raw material to fill the stomachs of their always hungry industries.. The capitalist free traders are now not in need to compete with the communists and so they have stopped showing a friendly face. Their greed knows no bounds. They looked for countries which had fought hard to gain independence; next thing they want of them is to give up that precious independence, to do away with their borders, to allow the capitalists free access to do what they like to the economies of these poverty-stricken countries. This term is given the name of free competition by the capitalists of the developed world. As they merge and acquire each other, they become monstrous giants against whom the small businesses in the poor and developing countries will not be able to compete. Now, what is the meaning of competition if you cannot win at all in the end? A few of these big giants will control the economy of the whole world. And it is a sad thing that they are not above cheating and corruption.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Charles Dickens :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Charles Dickens Something about Charles Dickens and his ability to take his reader to unbelievable places with his imaginative powers allows him the honor of being the most popular English novelist of the 19th century. Dickens has thrilled his readers for many years with his down-to-earth stories about real people forced into real situations. Charles Dickens has the ability to tell his stories from personal experiences. He fine-tuned his ability to tell his own story through the life of another character or cast of characters. Born on the evening of February 7, 1812, Charles Dickens was the second child of his parents, John and Elizabeth Dickens.. Although he was a solitary child, Dickens was observant and good natured . Looking back on this period of his life, Dickens thought of it as the golden age (Carey 6). In the first novel that he wrote, The Pickwick Papers, Dickens tries to bring back the good old times as he remembers them with their picturesque nature. Gary Carey believes that this novel displays the happiness of innocence and the playful spirit of the youth during the time of Dickens's youthful days (7). Overtaken by financial difficulties, the Dickens family was forced to move into a shabby suburb of Camden Town. This move must have shown the family how good they had it back in Chatham. There Dickens was removed from school and forced to work degrading menial jobs in an effort to help his struggling father put food on the table. Dickens was put to work in a blackening factory among many rough and cruel employees, probably the worst job in town. Shortly after Dickens started working in the factory his father was thrown into jail for failure to pay his debts, only to be released three months later. This period of time affected Dickens greatly as he went into a period of depression. He felt abandoned and destroyed by this evil roller-coaster ride of life he was on. From this time period come many of the major themes of his more popular novels. Perhaps the most popular of these novels is David Copperfield. In this novel Dickens depicts a young man who grows up in a very similar way to that of his own (Allen 28).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Change, Follow, or Get Out of the Way Essay
Change in an organization can be and usually is difficult for various reasons. Much of the difficulty is in the approach used to initiate change and the willingness to stay engaged and stamina to sustain change through to the end. Organizations can choose to lead by recognizing and implementing change, follow in the shadow of organizations leading the market, or get out of the way by standing still and eventually going under. With this said; if change was easily done and successful for every organization there would be no need for change management specialists and years and years of study to establish approaches and models for implementing change. Change would be a natural evolutionary process such as a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly, but it is not that simple. Seemingly simple changes to processes or procedures can cause an unbalance with leaders and employees alike. First the need for change needs to be identified; followed by the proper model or approach used to implement this change. During this paper, I will discuss implementing the Advanced Skills Management (ASM) software change in an organization by using Kotterââ¬â¢s Eight-Step Approach. First it is important to give some background on how organizations are structured specifically aviation squadrons with respect to the Marine Corps. The military branches are large separate decentralized organizations that are controlled ultimately by the President of the United States. Since it is impossible for the President to efficiently manage all branches and all the separate divisions within them, each branch has a leader or CEO. Aviation squadrons are made up of different Military Occupational Specialties that pertain to the type model series aircraft assigned. Each specialty has different responsibilities in the care and maintenance of the aircraft; therefore, requires separate and different training and is broken down into separate departments. It has all the typical levels of management expected; executive managers, middle managers, and frontline managers as well as managerial types such as staff managers and line managers. The Commanding Officer would be considered the CEO with the Executive Officer, Sergeant Major, Maintenance Officer, and Maintenance Training Chief falling into the general manager level. The Officer in Charge of each division would fall into the mid-level and the Senior Marine in each department being the front-line managers. Each has similar reporting criteria, responsibilities, and decision making power as would a civilian organization structured this way. As one might imagine with a military unit it has a mechanistic structure with a high use of rules and procedures, with formal relationships between workers. In regards to the degree of delegation of decision making authority and power the organization is primarily centralized; however, some decentralization does exist to allow latitude in day to day business. The organization I have chosen is an organization I was previously attached. Diagnosing this change falls under the Action Research Model, primary because an outside agency comes in to perform audits looking at our processes and procedures to ensure proper adherence to applicable rules and regulations are being followed and to train or advice on changes required. Through their process they discovered our organizationââ¬â¢s documentation was incomplete or not correctly annotated. This probably does not seem like a very difficult change to make considering it is just documentation; however, it does go deeper than simply changing how maintenance training is documented. The Chief of Naval Operations has established goals of seventy three percent MC (mission capable and fifty six percent FMC (full mission capable) as the overall material readiness goal (Aircraft Material Condition Readiness, 2012). When qualifications and training are not properly documented the ability and efficiency of the squadron is impaired causing the organization to struggle to me larger goals such as those of the Chief of Naval Operations, not to mention not being able to execute our Marine Corps mission. This change is difficult to determine if it should be referred to as first or second order changes, because it will and has affected the organization as a whole and for most members this will be a radical change. Within aviation squadrons each member is required to complete training syllabi for each of their different Military Occupational Specialty, ground support equipment, and advanced qualifications. Other training requirements such as safety training, NAVOSH (Navy equivalent to OSHA), Military Occupational Specialty classroom training, and on records of on-the-job training are maintained. All of this information is recorded on paper and kept in each members training jackets requiring large amounts of time to keep current. The first of Kotterââ¬â¢s Eight-Step Approach is establish a sense of urgency to have a pressing importance of action towards addressing issues and without this sense of urgency employees will not be motivated to examine markets and competitive realities needed to identify and discuss crises, potential crises, or opportunities the organization may be faced with (Weiss, 2012). In this instance the sense of urgency or the pressing importance of this change intervention on saving time on administrative actions, providing an efficient process for accurately recording training information for auditing purposes, and using that time on aircraft maintenance to enable the organization to better meet the Chief of Naval Operations goals for aircraft readiness. Also, confronting the brutal facts that training, because of the time consuming process now is not being documented accurately or in a timely manner, sometimes not at all. The goal here would be to help others recognize the need for change and generate a need to act immediately at all levels. To help all levels of leadership see the urgency, showing them the advantages to implementing the software would be my immediate action. First demonstrating the reduction of man hours spent maintaining and updating records. The work performed in military aviation is not measured in by a monetary bottom line as is the case in most civilian organizations. Success is measured by maintenance hours versus flight hours and mission readiness of the aircraft we maintain, so the more man hours saved the more can be spent towards the mission. Second advantage is the ability to standardize training and syllabi not only as an aviation community, but for each platform or type aircraft. This will allow easier transfer of personnel and qualifications from one squadron to another again easing the administrative burdens as well as better audit results. Third advantage is the software will link with the maintenance management system used to record all maintenance on the aircraft. This link will transfer on-the-job training for each member from the maintenance document to the on-the-job training section in ASM again saving administrative time of having to physically write each job performed in the training jacket. Second step of Kotterââ¬â¢s Eight-Step Approach is forming a powerful guiding coalition; done by assembling a team of top-level officers or other key influential members from the various levels with enough power and credibility to lead the changes and encourage these members to work as a team (Weiss, 2012). In the military, changes are often implemented simply through adherence to orders given by superiors. Members roger up and get the job done whether they agree or not, but the reason for change should be deeper than this. Sustaining the change under this type of implementation is very difficult and often does not hold. To be able to form a powerful coalition and convince leaders this proactive change is good and get buy-in both the implementation and the sustaining will be easier. In the case of ASM, it seems being able to demonstrate and show leaders at all levels of the management the advantages to implementing the software would be the first step in getting buy-in from them and to begin the coalition. These leaders will not entirely be those with legitimate power, but include those members whose expertise will also lend credibility to the need for this change. An example of this would be those who are responsible for ensuring training is properly conducted and recorded. Furthermore, to demonstrate how the software will save them administrative time, how it will enable better record keeping, show them the data warehousing to enable easier and more accurate reporting of core competencies, and eventually allow them to focus more man hour time on the mission. Third step in Kotterââ¬â¢s approach is developing a vision; meaning to create a vision as a guide to direct the changes along with the strategies that will be needed for achieving the vision (Weiss, 2012). Vision, or common goal, is something for the organization to strive for. This is not likely to be immediately achievable, but gives employees something to believe in and a direction for the company to focus their efforts (Weiss, 2011). The Marine Corps vision states ââ¬Å"The Marine Corps of 2025 will fight and win our Nationââ¬â¢s battles with multicapable MAGTFs, either from the sea or in sustained operations ashore. Our unique role as the Nationââ¬â¢s force in readiness, along with our values, enduring ethos, and core competencies, will ensure we remain highly responsive to the needs of combatant commanders in an uncertain environment and against irregular threats. Our future Corps will be increasingly reliant on naval deployment, preventative in approach, leaner in equipment, versatile in capabilities, and innovative in mindset. In an evolving and complex world, we will excel as the Nationââ¬â¢s expeditionary ââ¬Å"force of choiceâ⬠(Marine Corps Vision & Strategy 2025, n. . , pg. 6). The Marine Corps vision mentioned, among other things, being ââ¬Å"innovative in mindsetâ⬠. Part of being innovative is finding ways to be more engaged in the mission and making sure assets are ready whenever and for whatever called upon. Innovation and change normally bring about efficiency and hopefully savings in either money or in this case man hours. The vision for implementing ASM is to create efficiency through innovation; simplifying indirect mission essential tasks allowing more focus on the direct mission goals. Strategy for implementation would be fairly simple and would require to first receive classroom training to learn basic functions of the system. Next phase would include implementing the system at the organization, which would include loading and entering all required qualifications and training from the paper versions of the training jacket. This would include further over the shoulder training from the company who developed the software to help speed the implementation process. This would serve two purposes; first it would allow members to get further training and confidence in the system by learning where information is stored and second they would have experts available to answer questions and issues during the implementation process to help further personal mastery. Fourth step is for the coalition or team formed in step two must communicate the vision by any means possible ensuring employees understand the vision requiring these team members to model the behaviors needed for the vision and strategies to be successful (Weiss, 2012). The vision will be communicated at every opportunity through emails, meetings, flyers, screen savers, texting, and memorandums throughout the squadron to ensure people are aware. Part of communicating the vision would include leaders receiving the training first to help during the implementation process and to show or be visible to the other members by setting the example using the new software with the intent that they will begin to communicate further to members below them. ââ¬Å"A vision is not a vision if people donââ¬â¢t know about it. Repeat the vision, keep it simple, use metaphors and analogies, spread it in many forums and forms. Above all, lead by example. If integrating EH&S into every decision and business process is the vision, make sure you do it, no matter how trivial the decision. This sends a powerful message to everyone you encounterâ⬠(Lawrence & Ruth, 1998, para. 7). Step five involves empowering others to act on the vision. At this stage it is important that members become involved in the change and begin to take ownership in determining the success. Members will have received their training and will be operating the system on a day to day basis. This is where those members that have not bought into the change will begin to manifest themselves. They will begin to create barriers and want to revert back to the status quo, because they are comfortable with the old way of conducting business and where short-term wins will be important in showing them how the system is or will benefit them. ââ¬Å"With the urgency established, the vision created, the guiding coalition and communication vehicles established, give employees the chance to take ownership. Eliminate obstacles that impede progress, such as lack of skills, or people who poison the water against change. Facilitate the use of cross-functional teams and allow employees to push the envelope with fresh ideas and renewed energyâ⬠(Lawrence & Ruth, 1998, para. 8). Step six is generating short-term wins to solidify the benefits of the change. Short-term wins with the ASM system would include saved time for the administrators maintaining the system and training records. By now there should be noticeable or measurable results available showing the amount of saved man hours or more than likely a measurable increase in man hours spent on the aircraft maintenance mission. As a result, the aircraft readiness should also be increasing allowing the squadron to reach or exceed the CNO goals. Another short-term win will include improved results on audits related to training management with more timely input of information and better accuracy. This in turn should increase the urgency and begin to create or solidify the new culture of using this system. ââ¬Å"To ensure success, short term wins must be both visible and unambiguous. The wins must also be clearly related to the change effort. Such wins provide evidence that the sacrifices that people are making are paying off. This increases the sense of urgency and the optimism of those who are making the effort to change. These wins also serve to reward the change agents by providing positive feedback that boosts morale and motivation. The wines also serve the practical purpose of helping to fine tune the vision and the strategiesâ⬠(Kotter International, 2012, step 6, para. 3). Step seven requires consolidation of gains and the production of more change. This is done by using increased credibility to change systems, structures and policies and hiring, promoting, and developing members to further implement and reinvigorate the change (Weiss, 2012). Policies such as time limits on completion of syllabi, testing procedures, and access permissions for example would be generated to better control and further enhance the efficiency of the system. Also those members who were causing the barriers for progress of the system would need to be dealt with in order for the change initiative to continue. Unlike many civilian organizations, hiring and firing employees to better position the organization is not an option. Leaders in the upper levels can be relieved, but at lower levels positions are filled by external agencies and you have what you get and make the magic happen with the talent that exists. This often times is very difficult to juggle putting the right people in the right positions to conduct day to day business, much less initiate change and sustain it; so much time is spent trying to develop Marines. During this paper, I discussed implementing the Advanced Skills Management (ASM) software change in an organization by using Kotterââ¬â¢s Eight-Step Approach. It can be a difficult task to implement change, especially when dealing with the various different personalities involved. Having a plan to be able to create urgency for the change, creating coalitions with leaders, and empowering employees with knowledge can make the change process easier by ensuring employees are a part of and take responsibility for the success. In civilian organizations removing those who do not want to be part of the change is an option; however, in the military setting this is not a likely solution making the idea of getting buy-in from members even more important.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Education in Ancient Athens
No civilization can exist without education. All that didnââ¬â¢t perished quickly without a significant mark. Ancient Athens had an excellent system of education and therefore was able to prevail and live for a long time. Education was offered to boys in Athens and schooling started at the age of seven. All Athenians valued education. Even though schools have tuition fees, many poor people paid the money (McAllister). Students from ages seven to fourteen learned three main subjects. They learned grammar, which consisted of reading, writing and math.Music was an important subject to the Athenians and so was gymnastics (Dunkle). Reading and writing that was taught was useful for trade and business (Dunkle). Athenians learned gymnastics to promote health and strength (Dunkle). Music built up characteristics, and entertained friends, and was used to purify their souls (McAllister). The sensible education system of Athens was beneficial to their civilization. Too all students in Greece , the basic reading, writing and math were taught. Being taught reading and writing was helpful in trade.Traders all over the world commonly spoke Greek. It second language for educated people outside of Greece (Mazour). Learning Greek, would help communicate with traders in the world that donââ¬â¢t have Greek as their first language. After elementary school, sophists usually taught the students (Mazour). From them they learned about poetry, the government, ethics, astronomy and rhetoric (Mazour). Rhetoric was the study was public speaking and debating. Rhetoric was helpful to the democratic system that was Athensââ¬â¢ government.This was beneficial to the government because people could speak well in front of people and creating good arguments. Reading and writing isnââ¬â¢t all they valued. They also thought that music was important. The ancient philosopher, Aristole said that music served as education, but also as a pastime and amusement (Dunkle). In music class, they lea rned to sing, and play an instrument. By doing so, they were able to entertain guests at a party (Mazour). Music wasnââ¬â¢t always for these shows, but they supported a calm mind in a healthy body (Mazour). The type of music that a erson listened too also built the characteristics of that person, or so Plato says, ââ¬Å"Teach them the poems of other morally good poets, setting them to the music of the kithara and compel rhythms and harmonies to dwell in the souls of the boys to make them more civilized, more orderly and more harmonious so that they will be good in speech and actionâ⬠(Dunkle). Platoââ¬â¢s student, Aristotle also agreed to this, ââ¬Å"Therefore it is evident that music is able to produce a certain effect on the character of the soul, and if it is able to do this, it is plain that the young must be introduced to and educated in [music]â⬠(Dunkle).Aristotle stressed that the students must love music, and ââ¬Å"mere appreciation would not be sufficien tâ⬠(Dunkle). Training in singing and the playing of an instrument was important. Students that learned went on competitions called Mouseia (Dunkle). This built their confidence and their morale. The Athenians had a special curriculum of gymnastics. In our time, it would be called physical education. Students had athletic training because it promoted good health, strength, courage, and it prepared them for warfare (Dunkle).Unlike Sparta that trained their children to death (Crystal), Athens were not concerned with specialization for a specific job, but to have a wide range of education (McAllister). Good health would lead to longer lifetimes and so Athenââ¬â¢s would be healthier overall. Strength and courage would be useful in battle or it public speeches. This means that Athenians wouldnââ¬â¢t be nervous and would look intimidating because of their good physique. Many kids studied from an early age. There were intelligent students that benefited Athens. The system of edu cation the Athenians had been well made and because of that Athens was able to thrive.It is similar to how our system works today, with College and able to be taught/ or tutored by teachers who are hired. How we have music classes like orchestra and choir. Also like how we have dance classes and physical education classes at school. It is a good system that our education system is based off of. Reading and writing taught the students to communicate and so they could communicate with traders. Music brought peace to the soul, but also served as entertainment. Physical education brought good health and children were able to prepare for warfare. These features of Athenian education made the Athenians stronger and more powerful.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Key stakeholders in Next clothing Essay Example
Key stakeholders in Next clothing Essay Example Key stakeholders in Next clothing Paper Key stakeholders in Next clothing Paper They are required to purchase the products and in turn provide customer loyalty. They are needed to come to the store again and again to keep the flow of business high for the company. Employees It is their duty to withhold the reputation of the store as it is their actions that people will remember upon leaving the store and they are required to make people want to return. They are expected to provide the highest quality service they can and keep customer satisfaction high. Suppliers They are expected to roved high quality products that are suitable to sell. They must meet deadlines for orders and the product must be correct otherwise the business will suffer. Owners It is their day to day running of the company that keep all aspects of the business flowing. They are expected to make sure every area Of the company is running at full potential and every employee is doing the right thing. Trade unions It is the trade unions role to make sure the employees are being treated fairly. They make sure the workers are protected and safe and are in fair and suitable working conditions. They also help the unemployed find jobs in the first place. Employer associations These are very similar to trade unions and are there to protect the right of the employees. Local communities It is very important to appeal to the local communities as they are a very important interest group that require pleasing. National communities They are the ones that must be impressed as it is their opinion that can make or break the company. They are responsible for the upkeep of your company through purchase and it is them who will ultimately decide whether or not your business fits their requirements. Governments It the government who will want the business to be successful as it can boost the economy and create jobs across the country. If the business is successful they can also pay large taxes which boosts the governments funds overall. They are also considered a vital part of the community and with their survival the local economies can thrive as well. Influence on organizations This is when the business needs to take into consideration the rest of their stakeholders when making changes to the business and must make sure there is not a negative effect on the business itself or the stakeholders.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Does Santa Clauss Resume Look Like [Infographic]
What Does Santa Clauss Resume Look Like [Infographic] Ho Ho Ho!Itââ¬â¢s that time of year again! Santa has his professional resume perfected and is looking forward to flying out to his next assignment. Santa is definitely admired by children everywhere, and he is very experienced in his job so heââ¬â¢ll probably skip his interview step.His resume demonstrates that he has a very clear career path and is filled with accomplishments. However, he still needs to take some classes on Excel to help with his list updating. Check out his resume below and see why he is the man for the job! [Source: Kickresume]
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ECE teacher's Reflection on practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ECE teacher's Reflection on practice - Essay Example Theorize: The episodes with Ryan reflected the Te Whaariki principle of Relationships. Ryan was indeed responsive and reciprocated my attempts at establishing rapport with him. I also met the goals of the strands of well-being, belonging, communication and exploration. For well being, goal 2 of nurturing his emotional well-being was met as he felt safe with me, enough to go about the routines of the day. This likewise meets goals 2 and 3 of the strand of belonging. For the strand of communication, my interactions with Ryan met the goals of developing verbal communication skills as I urged him to talk about his trip and his volcano as well as the goal of discovering and developing different ways to be creative and expressive as I allowed him to express his own ideas in his sand play. Finally, in the activities, goals 1 and 4 were met. Ryanââ¬â¢s creative play with the sand and the tunnel he was making with the volcano was acknowledged and appreciated that he was encouraged enough t o think of expanding his ideas as he developed working theories for making sense of the natural world. In this case, it was his interest in volcanoes. Muellar Tokunaga (2006) shared that allowing children to indulge in their own imaginative play makes them more engaged in learning. Ryanââ¬â¢s sand play with volcanoes was accompanied by his active imaginative thinking as he came up with other ways to make his play more interesting (creating a tunnel with it). Act: I will be more attentive to Ryan and listen to his ideas. I will refrain from pushing my own ideas unless he asks for my own opinion. That way, I will encourage him to come up with his own original ideas. I will do the same with the other children and be more responsive to their needs. Brewer, J. (2001) Introduction to Early Childhood Education. Allyn & Bacon. Ministry of Education (1996) Te Whariki He Whariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa. NZ: Crown. Muellar Tokunaga, N. (2006). Learning from very young children . The First Years: Nga Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education, 8(2), 44-46. REFLECTION 2 Analyse: Everyone was excited about the water play activity since it was sure to relieve the children of the heat. I know how much they loved to play with water and got excited myself of the fun they will have. However, in my zeal to let them enjoy the activity, I mistakenly suggested an activity to Jay that could be possibly dangerous not only for him but for the other children. Telling him to ride the bike with his wet body would be risky because he may slip and fall badly on the ground. Worse, he will also endanger children playing in the water in case he loses control. It was a good thing another teacher had the good sense to stop him from following my suggestion. I felt so guilty for not having thought of his and the other childrenââ¬â¢s safety even if all I wanted was for them to enjoy. Theorise: Edgington (1999) posits that children learn best in an environmen t that makes them feel secure and confident enough to develop their own ideas with open-ended experiences. They actively engage in learning by partaking of fun, play-based hands-on experiences while adults around them challenge and extend their thinking. In this case, children were allowed to explore water play. This is applying Te Whaarikiââ¬â¢s strand of Exploration, specifically goal 4, as the play helps them ââ¬Å"develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical and
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